In this episode, crime writers Joel Nedecky and Matt Phillips discuss A Bluebird in My Heart, a stellar neo-noir directed by Jérémie Guez and starring Roland MØller, Veerle Baetens, and Lola Le Lann. The film is available for viewing via the Shudder channel on streaming devices. In this episode, Joel and Matt discuss the film’s most interesting elements and give some little known facts about the director and star.
Joel Nedecky is a crime writer and Arthur Ellis Award nominee for his forthcoming book The Broken Detective, a gritty detective novel that centers around a man’s struggle to solve a crime that will guarantee the safety of his loved ones, while he faces life changing consequences of his family’s alcoholic past. | Follow Joel
Matt Phillips lives in San Diego. His next novel is A Good Rush of Blood, slated for release November 1, 2023 from Run Amok Crime. | Follow Matt
Intro music by Road Side Brake.
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